In case you didn't know, I love email! You should love email too! Email is a great tool to communicate with clients for a bunch of reasons. First, it is media that you actually own, which is so important in the current digital marketing landscape where algorithm updates and platform policy changers can make your distribution dry up literally overnight. Owned media is consistent, it lets you be in control of what you put in front of your clients, and when you get to put it out there.Email has tons of other benefits, from creating lookalike audiences to using it in retargeting and building lists, but this episode isn't about how to create or grow an email marketing list, it is about how to get your emails opened more often. Chances are your veterinary practice has an email list that you've been building, and if you haven't started this, stop what you're doing here and get started building that list! Most practices could keep themselves fully booked simply by adding an email marketing strategy to what they're doing, but it would only work if you can get get that email opened. So how do we increase email open rates? It is actually pretty simple, but first consider a few things.The average adult in the US receives 121 emails a day! That is a ton of noise that you need to cut through to be heard. To help you increase your open rates I go over some of the following topics:
Everything in this podcast episode today can be easily implemented in your next email, so be sure to listen all the way through. Let me know what you think!